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Jim Sullivan


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  • Jim Sullivan (Thursday, July 25 24 06:53 pm EDT)

    The Internet Trolls are at it again as I have not posted any comments on the Public Forum since Sunday at 5:58 PM stating the articles that I had published that day.

  • Jim (Thursday, July 25 24 06:20 pm EDT)

  • Rob (Thursday, July 25 24 06:15 pm EDT)

    No balls Jim

  • J Dubbs (Thursday, July 25 24 01:43 pm EDT)

    What’s happening on sug river rd?

  • Rob (Thursday, July 25 24 01:31 pm EDT)

    Shush you little fella

    Smoking behind the statues

  • Jim Sullivan (Thursday, July 25 24 01:17 pm EDT)

    That was completely uncalled for.
    You are banned for 2 weeks from posting comments.
    Don’t let it happen again.

  • Rob (Wednesday, July 24 24 12:15 pm EDT)

    Who cares?

  • Breaking News (Wednesday, July 24 24 11:49 am EDT)

    Sparks are starting to fly in the Democratic gubernatorial primary as Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington accuses former Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig of hiding from the voters and avoiding debates.

    In a Tuesday press release headlined “Warmington Challenges Craig to Televised Debate,” the executive councilor suggests Craig is trying to avoid a direct contest between the two candidates.

    “WMUR has traditionally hosted a gubernatorial primary debate in advance of the September primary election. To date, Warmington has been the only Democratic candidate conducting regular media interviews across print, television, and radio,” the campaign said in a statement.

    In addition to challenging Craig to a televised debate before the September 10 primary, Warmington added, “While participating in the WMUR TV debate hasn’t been a question in past election cycles, I’m concerned by recent events that my opponent may not give voters the opportunity they deserve to hear from both major candidates on the debate stage.

    “I’ve been campaigning the New Hampshire way for over a year, meeting voters all over the state, taking tough questions from reporters, and participating in countless forums,” Warmington said.

    (Editor’s note: Warmington has declined to respond to more than 50 requests for comment on current news stories from reporters at NHJournal.)

    Warmington’s campaign also pointed out Craig’s refusal to participate in a bipartisan forum hosted by the National Federation of Independent Businesses, as well as a recent incident in which Craig’s campaign had a New Hampshire Public Radio reporter ejected from an interfaith forum.

    Craig’s campaign also declined to respond to requests for comment from NHJournal, but campaign manager Craig Brown told the Union Leader she’s already committed to the WMUR face off.

  • Rob (Wednesday, July 24 24 06:03 am EDT)

    I. Am open. A new. Business.
    Cutting . The. Hair
    And pizza. Called
    Pissa Hair.
    Delicious. Chicago pizza
    And fade. Hair cut

  • Don (Tuesday, July 23 24 04:04 pm EDT)

    Any new businesses opening on Pleasant street?

  • Mike (Tuesday, July 23 24 09:03 am EDT)

    Looks like she made a comment about how people should not steal political signs? I’m sure Lisa spends a TON of money there to start with…

  • Nikki (Monday, July 22 24 06:27 pm EDT)

    Lisa, what was her comments?

  • Lisa (Monday, July 22 24 03:01 pm EDT)

    Wow, that Nelson girl from the spice shop just lost my business after reading her comments on fb. What a lunatic!

  • Dennis (Monday, July 22 24 12:50 pm EDT)

    What did you expect from the chief he has his own side hustle so you think he will force his men to give up theirs. No way. He covered things up thinking that he would not get caught.

  • Claremont Democrats (Monday, July 22 24 11:25 am EDT)

    There will be a trash clean up day in the city for all the Biden signs. Please do your part

  • Dan (Monday, July 22 24 11:23 am EDT)

    I will be voting for jon stone this November and for trump. The more the liberal media beats them up the more my friends also see the corruption in city, state, and especially the federal government.

  • Alex (Monday, July 22 24 09:10 am EDT)

    The chief tricked us to think he solved the problem and he didn't. The whole department can't be trusted.

  • John J. O’Connor (Monday, July 22 24 07:53 am EDT)

    I make no excuses being a strong supporter of Law Enforcement and if you know anything about Civil service you would know there is a deep rivalry between cops and Firefighters so when I compliment the Fire Department I mean it. Chief Chamberlain is doing a great job !
    As for Jon Stone, I considered him a friend and I still do. I don’t turn my back on my friends
    I am extremely disappointed in his behavior, it is inexcusable and unacceptable but I still consider him a friend.

  • Retired Captain (Monday, July 22 24 07:45 am EDT)

    Good morning all. Reading the section about the fire department I had a few questions. I am a member of one of the cities mutual aid partners. I happen to catch wind of something concerning and having property in Claremont I have to wonder who would be on the hook if something bad were to happen. One of the other mutual aid departments the city uses must have a town policy that differs from the town I serve with. We are in no circumstances allowed to send minors or non air pack qualified members out of town on mutual aid calls. They are also not allowed to wear breathing apparatus or enter burning structures. Having recently done station coverage for Claremont I have to wonder if Claremont is unaware that minors are being sent with Ascutney? Does the city take on the liability if these under 18 year old non fire academy certified attendees get injured or would it be their towns insurer? I suspect NFPA, the NH and VT fire academies would be terribly upset with this occurring. Why does Claremont allow them in airpacks and into burned or burning buildings. I would have a hard time thinking it would not be aware. While covering Claremonts firehouse the other night it was learned that Claremont C3, firefighters Walker and Murphy and possibly others are members of Ascutney and were all working this particular shift. Captain Stevens son is one of the minors which is great to see him following in Dads footsteps but seems terrible shortsighted from a safety standpoint. I wasn't going to say anything and obviously can't ask those that were present that allow it. I don't want my tax dollars having to pay for the avoidable lawsuit. Your town government must be aware.

  • Tom (Monday, July 22 24 06:45 am EDT)

    All Chamberlain has done is try to shed responsibility. He took the job as chief without wanting to be the airport manager and that is part of the job it has been for decades. He wants the big pay but not do the work. Now he has a second assistant chief to pass off more of his duties. His men are just like him. A firefighter is an on-call job like a doctor, a nurse, a police officer and other emergency personnel. Our firefighters here are entitled little bitches that are working second and third jobs to bank money because the unions rigged the system with contracts that remove that responsibility that other firefighters everywhere else accept because it's the job and they care about the safety of people first instead of putting the almighty dollar first. O'Connor everyone knows you are an ex-cop and blindly loyal to the boys in blue and the boys in red no matter what they might do. You supported Stone when most folks repudiated him. You have no credibility. City managers and city councilors allowed the firefighters to take advantage of the taxpayers and everyone else who lives here so they are just as disgusting as the greedy firemen.

  • John J. O’Connor (Monday, July 22 24 06:26 am EDT)

    Chief Chamberlain’s only responsibility is to the Claremont residents. If something serious happens to a surrounding town there is no doubt in my mind that CFD would respond.
    Chief Chamberlain has proven to be a true professional and Claremont is extremely lucky to have him.

  • Ryan (Monday, July 22 24 05:34 am EDT)

    I thought Chief Chamberlain took care of the problems with the firemen not showing up when they are not on the job at the firehouse. I'll bet a lot of other people did too. He lied to everyone and almost got away with it. He covered for himself and for the firemen still working their side hustles. Morris and Yoshi let the firemen have whatever they wanted in their contracts and a slew of councilors all went along with it without a care about all of us and what this would do to our public safety. It's not right what they are doing to us.

  • Robert (Sunday, July 21 24 07:58 pm EDT)

    Robert Merrill for state rep i will do good things

  • Jim Sullivan (Sunday, July 21 24 05:58 pm EDT)

    Four new articles published today on the News Flashes page of this website.

    1) Lead Testing Notification Claremont Middle School.

    2) Senator Jeanne Shaheen secures funding for two Claremont projects.

    3) Claremont Development Authority still in financial trouble despite good news!

    4) In Regards to Claremont Fire Department Mutual Aid is still not so Mutual!

  • Claremont Democrats (Sunday, July 21 24 05:28 pm EDT)

    Jim is no longer riding with Biden

  • Jim Sullivan (Sunday, July 21 24 03:26 pm EDT)

    No articles today, out of respect for President Biden.
    And whoever is ringing my door bell and running away… stop it !

  • Breaking News (Sunday, July 21 24 02:13 pm EDT)

    Joe Biden ends race for 2024

  • Insider (Sunday, July 21 24 01:47 pm EDT)

    It has been proven by many in the city that Jim is just a distraction put forth by the city admin and council so that they can do what they need to do without prejudice. Part of my job is feeding information to Jim that will keep him busy yet not have the city get in trouble for any thing really important.

  • Sullivan report recovery group (Sunday, July 21 24 01:03 pm EDT)

    Can't hardly wait for today's news flash.
    Probably some tasty regurgitated tidbits from the "what up pages" including furniture on pleasant street, lead in the water and info safely obtained from the confinement of ones basement.
    I just hope that any recaps regarding city council members and the city manager include the sloth emoji and more copy and past insults / criticism.
    All jokes asides,
    I think Dim Sullivan is just a distraction. He is a puppet.
    He only moves in the direction his strings are pulled.

  • Jim Sullivan (Saturday, July 20 24 08:25 pm EDT)

    Kiss my pasty white ass !

  • Jake (Saturday, July 20 24 12:30 pm EDT)

    Jim you don't debate anything. You post your misunderstandings publicly like they are gospel. You don't even accurately follow or document meetings. Your diatribe goes after people without even ever asking anyone that you write about their intent or side of things. When you want to pretend trolls attack you because they can't debate facts you are the person you should be addressing as you are a troll that does just that. Grow up.

  • Jim Sullivan (Saturday, July 20 24 07:25 am EDT)

    The irony of Jim calling people trolls.

  • Greg (Saturday, July 20 24 05:54 am EDT)

    Permits are for cowards and losers.

  • Jim Sullivan (Friday, July 19 24 08:17 pm EDT)

    The trolls are working overtime, I did not make that last comment at 3:47 pm.
    I stand by everything I have posted previously .

  • Jim Sullivan (Friday, July 19 24 03:47 pm EDT)

    Just got home from work and looking at the Public Forum postings for the last few days because I've been too busy to do so till now. The last time I posted on the Public Forum was Sunday at 9 PM. All other postings attributed to me since then are fake in a dishonest attempt to discredit both myself and this website because these cowardly fake posters cannot debate the issues like honest, respectable people. This is to set the record straight because several of the people posting here have been deceived and are arguing with liars with no morals or values who will write anything to try to get a rise out of people. Don't be fooled.

  • Insider (Friday, July 19 24 09:36 am EDT)

    Jim, you are wrong about the permits. Especially in a commercial apartment building. This is very shady. You can be assured that
    The building inspector is aware of this.

  • Garrett (Friday, July 19 24 08:18 am EDT)

    So you are of the mindset of the owner themselves does the repairs in your apartment building they don't need to pull a city permit and have the work inspected? Perhaps you have just proven the point that you are in no position to critique other properties when you yourself don't know your ass front hole in the wall. Hypocrite.

  • Union Leader (Friday, July 19 24 07:57 am EDT)

    Sens. Jeb Bradley & Sharon Carson: Republicans get the job done for NH families

    IT’S HARD not to get cynical about our national politics these days. But here in New Hampshire, Senate Republicans have led the way to get things done for New Hampshire working families. We are proud of what we’ve done this year to keep New Hampshire the best place to live, work, and raise a family.

    Our top priority is always to keep Granite State families safe. For several years, we have worked to fix the state’s broken bail system. This year, we have finally gotten meaningful bail reform over the finish line. While no one will be denied bail simply because they cannot afford it, we have set up a system that requires violent and repeat offenders to go in front of a judge or magistrate before being released.

    We’ve taken proactive steps to address our nation’s border crisis by making sure the Northern Border Alliance has the tools and resources to stop illegal immigration into New Hampshire and the resulting drug smuggling and human trafficking that comes with it.

    Lack of affordable housing continues to be a major hurdle, both for New Hampshire families and our state’s economy. Last year, we dedicated $35 million to the Affordable Housing Fund, an additional $10 million to InvestNH, $5 million for Housing Champions, and $10 million in state aid for homelessness programs. This year we worked to lower bureaucratic hurdles that stifle housing development and allocated $2.5 million to increase rates for shelter programs. We also protected the rights of property owners by prohibiting squatters’ rights.

    During the last legislative session, the Senate led the way in passing more than $500 million in property tax relief for cities and towns. We built on that record this session, sending nearly $2.7 billion in state aid to cities and towns, including $683 million in new state aid. That includes the $169 million increase to local school districts under our Student-Centered Education Funding Formula, $90 million for water and wastewater infrastructure and treatment programs, $40 million for municipal roads and bridges, and $260 million in local Rooms and Meals revenues over the biennium, double the amount going back to towns from just four years ago.

    We stood up for vulnerable New Hampshire children, putting new protections in place for kids placed in the state’s care, increasing penalties for child pornography and violations of privacy involving minors, and banned life-altering and irreversible gender reassignment surgery for children.

    We kept our promise to fight for New Hampshire families, passing a Parents Bill of Rights that would guarantee every parent has a right to know what’s going on with their children in New Hampshire schools. We voted to protect girls by allowing schools to distinguish bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams based on biological sex. We passed legislation to provide a clear complaint and appeals process for parents who believe school materials are inappropriate. We also expanded eligibility for New Hampshire’s wildly successful Education Freedom Account program, which is already helping 4,200 working families choose the best educational path for their children.

    We will always protect the New Hampshire Advantage. We blocked big spending bills that would force us into an income tax, sales tax, increased property taxes, or the return of donor towns. We will never tax our way to prosperity. Instead, we passed a balanced budget that has produced a revenue surplus of $146.5 million through the end of June.

    This fiscal discipline and common-sense policy making has helped make New Hampshire not only the freest state in the nation, but the safest, the healthiest, the best for economic opportunity, and the best for child well-being in the nation.

    There are always new challenges ahead. Senate Republicans stand ready to face them with the same dedication and commitment that we’ve shown over the past four years. We will never take for granted the trust that Granite Staters have placed in us to get things done for New Hampshire working families.

  • Jim Sullivan (Thursday, July 18 24 09:32 pm EDT)

    No permits were needed, repairs were done by the owner.

  • Insider (Thursday, July 18 24 07:04 pm EDT)

    We know you don’t pay taxes. We know your landlord doesn’t get permits. Illegal construction being done. Hypocrisy at its finest.

  • Jim Sullivan (Thursday, July 18 24 02:38 pm EDT)

    I only pay $55.00 for my apartment.

  • Tony Silvera (Thursday, July 18 24 12:47 pm EDT)

    Biden. Just said. He will cap. Rent. Increases. At 55$

  • Nick (Thursday, July 18 24 12:27 pm EDT)

    Is Jim starting an only fans? Please post the link.

  • Rob (Wednesday, July 17 24 09:38 pm EDT)

    only fans . and your men can work for y.ou and take pictures of your feel &

  • alicia (Wednesday, July 17 24 08:44 pm EDT)

    any ideas to make some money soon my boyfriend is ok and husband is ok with me working outside the home or make money from home online

  • alicia (Wednesday, July 17 24 01:47 pm EDT)

    when i can’t afford rent from the slumlord in this town and my hisband and boyfriend both live in my partment but on disability they don’t mind but i love them and will take care of them we need more benefits and $

  • Ken (Wednesday, July 17 24 01:21 pm EDT)

    Thank you for the advice. You perhaps read my inquiry with that predetermined notion in your mind. I simply do not want to submit a 91a request if that has already been done. My intention is to not be burdensome on such a simple matter. 65 of us could all ask the same question or check here first. I chose to check here first. Thank you for your concern fake user.

  • Wing Nut (Wednesday, July 17 24 12:18 pm EDT)

    Real winners in the NH Republican milieu:

    At least Stoney hasn't killed anyone yet except in his imagination!

  • Dance Monkey (Wednesday, July 17 24 12:13 pm EDT)

    Instead of asking Jim to do your bidding, Ken, why don't you inquire? Seems to me that Jim believes he is the puppetmaster but is nothing more than the puppet himself.

  • Ken (Wednesday, July 17 24 09:14 am EDT)

    Jim, listening to the scanner last evening and seeing all the photos of destruction in the community today on social media I am wondering if you have requested a copy of the call in attendance for the fire department? The Chief signed on an immediately ordered all off duty personnel to be recalled to the station. I am curious since you articles on this topic last if there has been better response from full time fireman. Thank you sir.

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